Ingredients for success

We have the right ingredients for your packaging needs
There are many categories of materials available for the safe and effective packaging of your products. Should you use Corrugated? Foam? Hexacomb? Air pillows? Molded pulp? We can help you determine the best possible mix of ingredients to ensure success. Tell us what you need to accomplish and we will find the right combination for you.
Harwell has it.
Our Products

- Boxes
- Die-cuts
- Displays
- Corrugated/plastic film hybrid
- Trays
- Pads
- Sheets
- Partitions
- etc.

- Polyethylene
- Foam-in-Place
- Pre-Mold Foam
- Polyurethane
- Polystyrene
- Foam profiles
- etc.

Void Fill
- Bubble wrap
- Single-face corrugated
- Air pillows
- Paper
- Bubble-on-demand
- Peanuts
- Foam rolls
- etc.

- Molded pulp
- Hexacomb
- Crates
- Chipboard sheets
- Protective cases
- Reusable totes
- Industrial/safety products
- Mailers
- Angleguard
- Tubes
- etc.
What are your criteria?
- Fragility
Your product's relative fragility determines the appropriate selection of materials required for a safe, cost-effective delivery.
- Weight
The weight of your product helps us determine the box strength and amount of protective packaging required, if any.
- Environment
Harwell offers many green materials and solutions. We are always on the lookout for new products to address eco-friendly concerns.
- Shipping
Harwell always takes shipping and storage needs into account, both yours and your clients, to maximize your profits.
- Space
Our clients often want to keep their SKUs to a minimum. We have the expertise and materials to design around your space restrictions.
- Price
Price is a fact of business. Harwell offers the most cost-effective solutions for the safe shipping of your products. If we do not have what you need, we will go and find it for you.
- Ease of packaging
Keep It Simple. We offer assembly and designs that will not keep you guessing, and that will save you time and effort. You will not need origami skills with our solutions.
- Reusability
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Harwell lives by this principle. If you have the ability or desire to reuse your packaging, we have the solutions for you.